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Year End Party 2019 & Welcome Party for the Australian University Students

On Sunday, November 24, IAC held a year-end party at the Seishonen-Kaikan Hall.  Foreign people and partners who helped us this year, and students of our Japanese Language Classes were invited.  The party was also to welcome the Australian university students who were staying with their host families in Chigasaki for 4 days and 3 nights. …

The Beginning of Chigasaki

Chigasaki is a fairly young city, especially compared to the millennia of Japanese history. This year marks Chigasaki’s 70th year as a full-fledged city, and in honor of this, Chigasaki Breeze will be running a short series of articles on the history of the land that is now Chigasaki. To start, we will take a …

Chigasaki’s Hamaori Festival

Every summer, newcomers to Chigasaki’s Southern Beach are treated to what would be a strange site. A loud, early morning festival crowds the beach, carrying large, ornately decorated shrines down the sand and right into the water. If you haven’t heard of the Hamaori Festival, it may be a bit of a shock. But for …

Tsurumine Hachimangu Shrine

On route one about half way between Chigasaki station and the border with Hiratsuka, there is a large tori gate standing seemingly by itself on the side of the highway. If you follow the road through the gate to its end, though, you’ll find a small shrine. Most people in the area have likely seen …

Wada and Mitsuhashi Houses — Chigasaki’s Folk Museums

The Chigasaki City Heritage Museum operates two late Edo period houses, on the north side of town, situated on either side of Jokenji Temple, the Wada House and the Mitsuhashi House. These houses are significant pieces of Chigasaki’s history that offer a glimpse into how the people lived in the Feudal Era. Entry is free …

An Evening of Noh Theater at Samukawa Jinja Shrine

Samukawa Jinja Shrine held their annual Sagami Takigi Noh event on August 15th. The event drew nearly 1,500 people for an evening of traditional Japanese theater. The event, which started in 1970, commemorates the end of World War II. Noh Theater is an ancient Japanese art form that started in the 14th century that often …


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