*18th Annual Japanese Speech Contest for Foreigners*
 March 15th 2015, Sunday
18th Annual Japanese
Speech Contest
for Foreigners
18th annual Japanese Speech Contest by foreigners was held March 15th, Sunday, at the community hall.
13 foreigners competed discussing the splendors of and work in Japan this year, friendships, and the pride of their country flags. One contestant discussed her marriage to her Japanese husband expressing her pride in him. This drew laughter and applause from those gathered at the venue.
Special Guest Speaker
While waiting for the speech examination results, a small party was held allowing both visitors and contestants the opportunity to mingle with one another.
It should be noted that the winners of the day were as follows.

☆ Chigasaki City International Association Award went to Nguyen Thi Mai, whos speech title was "Looking back to life in Japan"

☆ Chigasaki Mayor Award went to Mac Phuong Thao, whos speech was titled "Memories"

☆ Soroptimist International of Chigasaki Award went to Fujino Guendoline, whos speech was titled "Marriage to a Japanese"

☆ Along with winning the Chigasaki City International Association Award, Nguyen Thi Mai also won the popular vote from members of the audience.

In addition, last years winner of the Soroptimist International of Chigasaki Award, Tran Thi Quyen gave a guest speech entitled "Water Puppet Theatre of Vietnam"


Opening words from IAC Chairman

Closing words from Chigasaki Gender Equality Manager


* IAC Chairman
Ishii Takeo

* Chigasaki City Cultural Division
Chigira Hitoshi

* Soroptimist International Chigasaki
Shimizu Rumiko

* Chigasaki Municipal Hagizono junior high school teacher
Ikubo Fumiko

* IAC Japanese Sunday classroom teacher
Taniguchi Yoshihiko

Examination review
Photos:Nakane&Ichiki Text:Nakane
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